Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Second Trimester and Moving!

After seeing the two heartbeats, as I said before, I felt better about our chances of having a healthy twin pregnancy. At this point I started to think about just how much this was going to change our lives forever. What were we going to do with two babies? Would they be boys/girls/or one of each? We knew from the ultrasounds that they were fraternal twins because they were contained in their own placentas with a separating membrane. I was excited they were fraternal because I hoped it would allow them to have more of their own identities. I was consumed with all things pregnancy and twin related. I was also having a really hard time not telling people. We had already told our parents, siblings, and our grandparents (because we knew we would need their support if something were to happen) but I wanted to tell the whole world. Alex and I decided after our 9 week ultrasound we would begin telling people. I know we probably should have waited until 12 weeks but we couldn't keep it in any longer. Here is a picture from that 9 week ultrasound.

After telling everyone it became very real. All of a sudden being pregnant with twins really started defining who I was and how I was feeling on a daily basis. I was very lucky in the first trimester. No morning sickness, just extreme fatigue. I would come home from work and just pass out on the couch. Alex would get home from work several hours after me and just laugh and say "You're not even that pregnant yet" Needless to say that wasn't my favorite line of his but he was kidding (mostly)!

Here are the twins at 13 weeks (they no longer fit on the screen together). One nice thing about twins is that you get a LOT of ultrasounds. SO many in fact, that I don't think I will ever survive a singleton pregnancy with only 2 or a few more ultrasounds. This pregnancy has spoiled me with frequent visual assurance that everything is okay with my babies.

Twin A

Twin B

The second trimester began mid- March 2011. I was immediately relieved to discover that I had regained my energy, which was a good thing because we were getting ready to move. Alex and I had been working on buying a short sale home in Mableton, GA since November 2010. We found out we got it at the end of January and closed on it at the end of February. We took the whole month of March (I say we, it was mostly Alex and my dad) to repaint every wall, replace almost every fixture in the house and do some serious cleaning. The house was in decent shape but we definitely wanted it to be clean and ready for us before we moved in. I can't say enough about Alex during this time. I felt bad because I really couldn't help him but he really came through for us and did a great job getting our house ready. The one thing I could do was pack boxes. I would get them ready and taped and he would move them wherever they needed to go. We also had some great help from friends. We officially moved on Saturday,April 2nd, 2011. We purposely waited until this date 1) to get the house ready and 2) because my spring break was the week following and I knew I would be able to unpack most everything during that week. My parents came down two weeks later and helped us decorate and hang pictures. Everything came together very quickly! I am so super happy with our house and feel so blessed to have a nice home to bring our babies home to. Here is a picture of the house and also me at 15 weeks pregnant.

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