Sunday, August 7, 2011

We're Preggers!

As I have not blogged, written in a journal or done anything to record the last 8 months of my life, I feel like I should do a summary of sorts. So here goes.

Alex and I got married November 21, 2009 after 3 1/2 years of dating. We always knew we wanted kids (he wanted 1 and I wanted 3) but weren't quite sure of when we wanted to begin our family. I wouldn't say immediately but after about 6-8 months of marriage I would say I began to think about when to start trying to get pregnant. I approached the subject casually with Alex and he basically said lets wait a while. I said okay and proceeded to try and not think about it for as long as possible. Well...that didn't last long, it seemed like once it entered my brain it stayed there. In October of 2010 we found out that Alex's sister was pregnant. I was overjoyed for Jill and Ryan but inside felt even more so than before that I too wanted to begin trying to have a baby.

The holidays were right around the corner and I thought this might be a good time to approach the subject again. Alex sort of had the same reaction as before but seemed a little more open this time around (I guess the news of his sister's pregnancy had a similar affect on him as it did on me). We decided we would just see what would happen. Little did we know it would happen very fast. In mid January I took a pregnancy test for the first time thinking that there was no way I had gotten pregnant that quickly. Well...guess what...I had. Here is a picture of us a few weeks before finding out, before our lives changed forever. We were at the airport on our way home from Colorado. We had just spent a week visiting with Alex's family for Christmas. It is not the best picture but shows the before.

The amusing thing about us finding this out was that Atlanta had just been hit by a huge ice/snow storm and we were stuck in our apartment for a whole week. Therefore, because I had to know, I sent my dear husband up several steep hills in the ice to the store to buy a pregnancy test. After I took the first one, I wasn't totally convinced so the next day I sent him to get another brand. After seeing positive again, I was sure! I immediately scheduled a doctors appointment to confirm. We were able to get in the next week. Alex and I were very excited but still very unsure as to what to expect. We went to the appointment and they did an ultrasound to see if they could see a baby yet. I was only about 4 1/2 weeks pregnant at this time. Amazingly, the nurse practitioner pulled up what looked like a little black dot on the screen. She asked if we saw it and we said yes. Then she turned her instrument slightly and said "Oh wow". I immediately got nervous at this point. She then asked us if we saw the second little black dot on the screen. We said yes. Alex and I were still clueless at this point. She said, "I don't mean to get you too excited because it is possible that it's not but you might be looking at TWINS. I was speechless and Alex didn't say anything for quite sometime. Finally, he asked her if there was anymore than two and she said no. She told us not to get too excited just yet but that she would schedule us back in a week and hopefully we would see their heartbeats. We left in total shock and excitement. What in the world had just happened? The doctor also advised us not to tell anyone just yet in case something happened to one twin in the first few weeks. Well I have never been good at secrets and I also figured it was safe to tell my parents and Alex's parents. They were just as shocked and excited as we were.

Here is a picture of that first ultrasound that would change our lives forever.
So, for the next week I went crazy researching all things twins related. I was excited but also really scared that something would happen to one or both of them before our next ultrasound. I have pretty much been this crazy the entire pregnancy and I think I would be the same if I was pregnant with a singleton. We went in for the next ultrasound and were able to see both twins heartbeats. This was the best feeling in the world. I felt confident again that this was meant to be. Here is a picture with the heartbeats.

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